I am a Lead Research Scientist at
, leading the Human-Computer Interaction Research Group. As a Human-Computer Interaction researcher, I do research at the intersection of Ubiquitous Computing, Personal Health Informatics, and Personal Data Visualization. Combining my multidisciplinary knowledge in Computer Science and Visual Communication Design, I design and develop computing systems for self-tracking that empower people in the loop of human-data interaction.I am a recipient of International Postdoc Fellowship supported by National Research Foundation of Korea in 2019, a Best of CHI Honorable Mention award at CHI 2021, and a Best Paper award at CHI 2023.
Academic Service
- ACing - ACM CHI '25 (Health), ACM CSCW '24 (Jan), ACM CHI '24 (Health), IEEE PacificVis '23
Miscellaneous Facts
🫶 My Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is ENFJ (Extraversion-iNtuition-Feeling-Judging).
👨👩👦 I am going to be a dad soon I'm a dad of one boy.
Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) technologies opens up exciting opportunities in the field of health and well-being. For example, conversational agents equipped with LLMs can capture various human behavioral information through open-ended and versatile dialogues. I am interested in building LLM-infused computing systems that support physical/mental health and well-being, and how we should leverage and audit LLMs to make them safely behave to the target users. Specific topics include:
- Leveraging LLMs for Marginalized Populations [MindfulDiary-CHI24] [ChaCha-CHI24] [CareCallLTM-CHI24] [CareCall-CHI23]
- LLM-infused Systems for Mental Health & Well-being [MindfulDiary-CHI24] [ChaCha-CHI24] [CareCallLTM-CHI24] [CareCall-CHI23]
- LLM-infused Systems for Physical Health & Well-being [PlanFitting-Arxiv23]
- Designing LLM-driven Conversational AIs in Health Contexts [MindfulDiary-CHI24] [ChaCha-CHI24] [CareCallLTM-CHI24] [PlanFitting-Arxiv23] [LLM-Chatbot-CSCW24] [CareCall-CHI23]
Personal informatics systems require signficant human efforts in both collecting and exploring the data, becuase the self-tracking process involves the user's personal context information, which is not recorded in the data. I explore ways to support such human-data interaction processes in flexible and less-structured manners, to lower the barriers of lay individuals to novel self-tracking tools.
Citation counts of publication are scrapped from my Google Scholar profile.